Registration for the Bahamas Billfish Championship's 39th season is well underway with a number of teams taking advantage of the BBC's Early Bird discount. By all indications participation in all five tournaments will be above this past year. There will be many of the 'regulars' back rying to capture the BBC title and there will be some well-known teams returning that have been absent for a few years. Of course you can look for a new crop of anglers and teams ready for the challenges that can only come from the world's oldest billfishtournament series.
For the 2012 season, the BBC's Steering Committee has instituted some changes to the BBC rules, to the tournament venue and tournament format. These changes reflect the wishes of the participating anglers and are designed to improve the tournament experience and stimulate greater participation.
Although the first tournament is not until April, remember that tournament participation is limited to 50 teams and all tournament Entry Fees are due and payable 30-days prior to the start of each 2012 BBC tournament. The BBCMembership Fee is non-refundable and Tournament Entry Fees become non-refundable 30-days prior to the tournament start date.
Whether you want to fish one tournament or the whole Series, there is no better time to register. Registration is easy and can beaccomplished online, by FAX or by mail.
To Register & Enter online click here.
To download the 2012 BBC Tournament Entry package, click here.
You Can't Win If You Don't Enter!
Captain's Choice Lay Day - All teams will fish any three (3) out of the available four (4) fishing days (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday). Ribbons must be picked-up each fishing day between 6:00 am and 8:00 am from the Committee Boat.
ANGLING RULE CHANGES (Changes in bold)
Lines in the water at 8:00 am - Lines out of the water at 4:00 on all fishing days.
To qualify as a "released fish" the leader must be brought within the grasp of the mate or the end of the leader must be wound to the rod tip. A 'Billfish Release Affidavit' must be completed for each billfish released and presented to the Committee Boat between the hours of 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm on the same day the fish is caught. These hours can be extended if a team was fighting a fish and reported to the Committee Boat prior to "lines out of the water."
• Teams fishing the Bahamas Billfish Championship may not include any individual who has been paid to be a captain or crew, fish a rod, feed fish and/or bring a fish to the boat in the last three (3) years.
• All boats participating in the Bahamas Billfish Championship tournaments must have a valid Bahamas Fishing Permit with a Bahamas Fisheries sticker affixed thereto.
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